Reporting procedure
Ethics, transparency and legality have always inspired the policy of Chemical Express which, also for this reason, has decided to activate a web service for sending reports of any irregularities that could prejudice the company or third parties whose employees, collaborators, corporate bodies, and other third parties have become aware.
The above reports can be sent by accessing and following the instructions at the address:
Reports will be treated with the utmost discretion and confidentiality to protect the person reporting from any risk of suffering retaliation or discrimination in their work context. The personal data acquired will be processed in full compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016 /679 and the Privacy Code.
Who and how to report?
The report can be made by employees, collaborators, members of corporate bodies who have witnessed (even indirectly) an offense or irregularity committed by the Company or one of its employees. The report can also be sent by external parties (for example, suppliers), as long as the information has been learned within their own working context.
It is not necessary for the legal relationship with the Company to be in place at the time of reporting.
It is important that the reporter provides as much information as possible regarding the incident by following the instructions provided by the platform.
The platform also allows you to attach files or indicate other people who can report on the fact.
What are the behaviors that can be reported?
Relevant illicit behavior pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 or violations of the code of ethics may be reported.
The report may concern actions or omissions, committed or attempted to the detriment of the company's interests, which are:
- criminally relevant;
- implemented in violation of the Codes of Conduct or other provisions of the Company subject to disciplinary sanctions;
- likely to cause financial damage to the company
- likely to cause damage to the image of the company
- likely to cause damage to the health or safety of employees.
Disputes concerning a personal interest of the reporting person and which relate exclusively to their individual employment relationship cannot be reported.
What happens after the report?
By registering your report on the portal, you will obtain a unique identification code, "which you will have to use to "be constantly informed on the processing status of the report sent (remember to carefully keep the unique identification code of the report, as, in case of loss cannot be recovered or duplicated in any way).
All reports will be managed and evaluated by the O.d.V., which will carry out an investigation to assess their validity. The reporting party could be contacted later through the portal for additions or further information. Once the report has been processed and the necessary investigations have been carried out, the reporter will be informed of the outcome of the same by the Whistleblowing Channel Manager.
The report could be archived in the event of manifest unfoundedness or irrelevance with respect to the field of application.
Protection of the whistleblower's confidentiality?
All data relating to the report are protected by security measures and standards.
The identity of the reporter is known only by the subjects in charge of managing the report, who are required to guarantee absolute respect for confidentiality of the reporting party and the other subjects mentioned.
The reporter, when completing the report, will be given the opportunity to choose whether to reveal or not reveal his or her identity.
Incorrect use of the tool
It is not possible to use the channel for disputes concerning a personal interest of the reporter and which refer to his/her employment relationship, in fact this tool CANNOT be used to make reports with a clearly defamatory and opportunistic nature.
If through in-depth investigations it is revealed that the whistleblower acted with the exclusive intention of harming or unfairly blaming other subjects, the Company reserves the right to take disciplinary and/or legal action against such whistleblowers.
In case of incorrect use of the channels ascertained with a definitive judgment by the judicial authority,
the protections provided for by Legislative Decree 24/2023 will not be guaranteed.
External reporting?
It is possible to make an external report by addressing it to the ANAC.
The report to the ANAC can be made in the following cases:
- a reporting channel has not been established in your work context or if activated, this does not comply with the provisions of Legislative Decree 24/2023;
- the reporting party has already made an internal report, but this has not been followed up;
- the reporting party has well-founded reasons to believe that, if he were to make an internal report, it would not be followed up effectively or could lead to a risk of retaliation;
- the reporting person has well-founded reasons to believe that the violation could constitute an imminent and clear danger for the public interest.